Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Last Christmas for Hannah Faith

There's the link to Chris Muir's "Day by Day", and to the explanation about Hannah's brain-devouring disease and how YOU can help Hannah feel some joy these last few days of her life!

Click it NOW!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

If Only We Had a Messiah!

If you were a Messiah, Obama, you could lead with your words, your deeds and your actions, couldn't you?

You, Obama, would have an example promised to humankind in the Holy Bible, in the person of One, like unto the Son of Man. His coming May 22, 1844 was marked by the advent of the electronic age, yes, but even the telegraph was yet too young to send lightnings east and west, to carry word of His glorious, meteor-like rise, His self-abnegation, His purity, His teachings and even too young to carry word of His mock trial and His execution before a hostile crowd of 10,000 on this date, July 9th, in the year 1850.

You, Obama, could show Americans the purity of heart, chaste virtue of character and complete humility that marked Him in His ministry, couldn't you?

And you, Obama, by the dynamic force of example, could release into the world a healing force so powerful, so unifying and so transforming that you, too, would calmly await being shot to death by 750 Armenian Christian riflemen, as He did, wouldn't you?

Because you, Obama, godlike in your wisdom, would recognize the transient, fleeting nature of this world and its riches, the cheap and worthless reality of worldly power and human vanity, and you could demonstrate publicly your disdain for these things, couldn't you?

Because if you were to do these actions, if you were to offer up your life for all humankind, then you, too, could withstand the first volley of 750 musket rounds at pointblank range, and have the rifle rounds cut the ropes restraining you, as the rifles did July 9th, 1850, wouldn't you?

And then, when the Muslim government called in a Muslim rifle regiment to do the dirty work that the Christian Armenian regiment had prayed fervently to be relieved of doing, God might answer YOUR prayers too, and when the guards came to your cell once again to bring you out before the gaze of 10,000 jeering onlookers, now grown silent from the miraculous nature of your first 'execution', why YOU would willingly let the Muslims hang you up to be shot to death yet another time...

As He was, there in Tabriz, Iran, July 9th, 1850.

And maybe your remains would have armed guards placed over them, to keep YOUR followers from retrieving them, at great personal risk, before dawn on the third day after your martyrdom, Obama...

But would YOUR mortal remains be taken to their final resting place and interred on God's holy mountain, Mount Carmel, in Haifa in the Holy Land?

Would YOU, Barack Obama, have the courage to even carry His message to Americans thirsty for the water of truth and hungry for REAL sustenance?

Would YOU, Barack Obama, have the personal integrity and authenticity to die for YOUR beliefs, as
The Bab did, July 9th 1850?

Grum P. Murrican

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Squidoo Lens for Nutty Squirrely Teacups!

Here's a Squidoo lens for info on Teacup Chihuahuas and Bushy-tailed Nut-Busters!

Leave a comment there, if you please!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Teacups & Sables??

A friend wants me to post about Teacups and Sables, whatever those are...

He says Teacups are chihuahuas (of the REALLY TINY variety, small enough to fit into a teacup!) and Sables (or Tri-Colors) are squirrels which -in this case- have been raised human-friendly and quite tame.

Teacups & Tricolors

Friday, March 21, 2008

Obamanoid Satiricals

A couple more Obamanoid songs for the politically incorrect among us:

One Night in Politics
(Right-Click and "Save File as..." to share with friends & foes, OR click link and listen now!)

Dial 1-900-REA-LITY
(Right-Click and "Save File as..." to share with friends & foes, OR click link and listen now!)

Aloha Snackbar, Your Retreat to Violence!
(Right-Click and "Save File as..." to share with friends & foes, OR click link and listen now!)

To the LGF'ers rolling in, Howdy!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Winter's End Obamaganza!

This being March 20th, with the Spring Equinox tonight that ends winter and begins the new year with the first day of spring for the whole Earth, here are some Obama-related short recordings, written by Lucius Septimius, BuzzSawMonkey and Stanley Kurtz.

Send them to friends, enemies and Democrats!

Stanley Kurtz's "Obama Gramma"

BuzzsawMonkey's "Obama Grandma"

Lucius Septimius' "You"

BuzzsawMonkey's "Why Do THEY Support ME?"

And the newly-popular "Obama, Working on the Change Gang!"

See you next year!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Jeremiah, Wright and Wrong, Again!

Jeremiah Was a Pastor!
(Right-Click and "Save File as..." to share with friends & foes, OR click link and listen now!)

Hat Tip to Buzzsawmonkey!

Jeremiah was a pastor
Had a church that was black
He preached fire and brimstone from his pulpit
And white folks are what he'd attack
And he always had a mighty fine attack

Damn the USA
It should pass away
America's mired in original sin
The lack of melanin

He traveled out to Libya
He went with Farrakhan
He's glad to forgive anybody his sins
As long as they're African
As long as they're African

Damn the USA
It should pass away
America's mired in original sin
The lack of melanin

He'll discount individual achievement
His world's bounded by race
He doesn't judge people by their character
But by the color of their face
By the color of their face

Damn America!
It should pass away
America's mired in original sin
The lack of melanin

/we'll have more as BuzzSaw sees fit, and Wright Wrants!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Jeremiah Wrong!
(Right-Click and "Save File as..." to share with friends & foes, OR click link and listen now!)

Hat Tip Terp Mole

Jeremiah was a Reverend,
“God-damn” was his favorite line.
They’ll never print a single word of what he said
Unless it sells Obama whine.
‘cause liberals love a mighty fine whine.

Sing it:
Bombed Hiroshima!
Bombed Nagasaki!
God-damn American indignity,
Hope Audacity!

If Obama were the king of the world,
I tell you what he'd boost.
He'd throw away the tax cuts and the wars overseas
and bring chickens home to roost.

Sing it now:
Bombed Hiroshima!
Bombed Nagasaki!
God-damn American indignity,
Hope Audacity!
Thin Audacity!
Mighty thin Audacity!

/tell me again this Jeremiah Wright is a 'reverend'...

Obama, Obama, OH!

Obama, Obama OH!
(Right-Click and "Save File as..." to share with friends & foes, OR click link and listen now!)

Obama, Obama
How you can sell!
Obama, Obama
You and Michelle

You sell us softest,
blackest soap
And if we tire
of that you sell us change
and hope and then you

Obama, Obama
Please tell me do
What makes you stutter so?

You don't speak well its true
When hard questions hit you,
you just Obama, Obama, oh!

Obama, Obama, Heaven's above
In this hot-contested election
where push comes to shove
You say its not so very strange
Elect you and we get real social change
and that means

Obama, Obama please tell me true
why we suspect you so?
I bend down for the soap
and you sell me more hope
and I Obama, Obama oh!

/love to hear your suggestions for other political songs, for/against Hillary, Hussein Obama or McCain.